Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
Company | Collection of string |
None. |
Country | Collection of string |
None. |
experimentTitle | string |
None. |
businessPartnerIds | Collection of globally unique identifier |
None. |
businessPartnerNames | string |
None. |
BpFISId | string |
None. |
BpFISIdDouble | integer |
None. |
statuses | Collection of integer |
None. |
cropIds | Collection of integer |
None. |
crops | string |
None. |
years | Collection of integer |
None. |
yearDisplay | string |
None. |
experimentTypeIds | Collection of integer |
None. |
experimentTypes | string |
None. |
groupIds | Collection of globally unique identifier |
None. |
groups | string |
None. |
trialCoordinatorIds | Collection of globally unique identifier |
None. |
trialCoordinators | string |
None. |
tdeContactIds | Collection of globally unique identifier |
None. |
tdeContacts | string |
None. |
stewardIds | Collection of globally unique identifier |
None. |
stewards | string |
None. |
trackingName | string |
None. |
businessUnitCodes | Collection of string |
None. |
businessUnits | string |
None. |
salesAreaCodes | Collection of string |
None. |
salesDistrictCodes | Collection of string |
None. |
areas | string |
None. |
districts | string |
None. |
IrrigationCodes | Collection of string |
None. |
irrigations | string |
None. |
territoryCodes | Collection of string |
None. |
territories | string |
None. |
statecodes | Collection of string |
None. |
states | string |
None. |
countyCodes | Collection of string |
None. |
counties | string |
None. |
agencyIds | Collection of globally unique identifier |
None. |
agencies | string |
None. |
ymStatusIds | Collection of integer |
None. |
ymStatus | string |
None. |
agreementIndicators | Collection of integer |
None. |
agreementsRequiredIds | Collection of integer |
None. |
agreementsRequired | string |
None. |
planted | string |
None. |
harvested | string |
None. |
weighingDeviceCodes | Collection of decimal number |
None. |
weighingDevice | string |
None. |
PlantingStartDate | date |
None. |
PlantingEndDate | date |
None. |
HarvestStartDate | date |
None. |
HarvestEndDate | date |
None. |
KitRequestStartDate | date |
None. |
KitRequestEndDate | date |
None. |
previousCropCodes | Collection of string |
None. |
LocationId | globally unique identifier |
None. |
courtesy | string |
None. |
containsR5 | string |
None. |
BWOperationID | string |
None. |
Season | Collection of integer |
None. |
LocalExperiment | string |
None. |
SeasonDisplay | string |
None. |
City | string |
None. |
TillageCodes | Collection of string |
None. |
tillages | string |
None. |
UseName | string |
None. |
LegalRelease | string |
None. |
TDEContactFISId | string |
None. |
TDEContactFISIdDouble | integer |
None. |
LoggedInUser | string |
None. |