POST LocationSummarySilageDetail/Base/DeleteAll
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
Collection of LocationSummarySilageDetailName | Description | Type | Additional information |
Strip | integer |
None. |
Brand | string |
None. |
Product | string |
None. |
ProductGeId | decimal number |
None. |
SubProduct | string |
None. |
OtherFactors | string |
None. |
OtherFactorsHeading | string |
None. |
PlantingRate | decimal number |
None. |
HarvestedWeight | decimal number |
None. |
HarvestedLength | decimal number |
None. |
HarvestedWidth | decimal number |
None. |
Tons30DM | decimal number |
None. |
DM | decimal number |
None. |
CP | decimal number |
None. |
Sugar | decimal number |
None. |
Starch | decimal number |
None. |
FBDG | decimal number |
None. |
NDF | decimal number |
None. |
MilkAcre | decimal number |
None. |
MilkTon | decimal number |
None. |
uNDF240hr | decimal number |
None. |
Factors | Collection of LocationSummaryDetailFactor |
None. |
ExperimentLocationId | globally unique identifier |
None. |
ExperimentName | string |
None. |
QualityMessage | string |
None. |
PlantingRateId | integer |
None. |
HarvestWeightId | integer |
None. |
HarvestLengthId | integer |
None. |
HarvestWidthId | integer |
None. |
uNDF240hrId | integer |
None. |
Tons30DMId | integer |
None. |
DMId | integer |
None. |
CPId | integer |
None. |
SugarId | integer |
None. |
StarchId | integer |
None. |
FBDGId | integer |
None. |
NDFId | integer |
None. |
MilkAcreId | integer |
None. |
MilkTonId | integer |
None. |
EUId | integer |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
[ { "Strip": 1, "Brand": "sample string 1", "Product": "sample string 2", "ProductGeId": 3.0, "SubProduct": "sample string 4", "OtherFactors": "sample string 5", "OtherFactorsHeading": "sample string 6", "PlantingRate": 1.1, "HarvestedWeight": 1.1, "HarvestedLength": 1.1, "HarvestedWidth": 1.1, "Tons30DM": 1.1, "DM": 1.1, "CP": 1.1, "Sugar": 1.1, "Starch": 1.1, "FBDG": 1.1, "NDF": 1.1, "MilkAcre": 1.1, "MilkTon": 1.1, "uNDF240hr": 1.1, "Factors": [ { "Row": 1, "Name": "sample string 1", "Value": "sample string 2" }, { "Row": 1, "Name": "sample string 1", "Value": "sample string 2" } ], "ExperimentLocationId": "574f3fa2-fb3f-4ed9-be3d-d3b235aa0ce0", "ExperimentName": "sample string 7", "QualityMessage": "sample string 8", "PlantingRateId": 9, "HarvestWeightId": 10, "HarvestLengthId": 11, "HarvestWidthId": 12, "uNDF240hrId": 13, "Tons30DMId": 14, "DMId": 15, "CPId": 16, "SugarId": 17, "StarchId": 18, "FBDGId": 19, "NDFId": 20, "MilkAcreId": 21, "MilkTonId": 22, "EUId": 1 }, { "Strip": 1, "Brand": "sample string 1", "Product": "sample string 2", "ProductGeId": 3.0, "SubProduct": "sample string 4", "OtherFactors": "sample string 5", "OtherFactorsHeading": "sample string 6", "PlantingRate": 1.1, "HarvestedWeight": 1.1, "HarvestedLength": 1.1, "HarvestedWidth": 1.1, "Tons30DM": 1.1, "DM": 1.1, "CP": 1.1, "Sugar": 1.1, "Starch": 1.1, "FBDG": 1.1, "NDF": 1.1, "MilkAcre": 1.1, "MilkTon": 1.1, "uNDF240hr": 1.1, "Factors": [ { "Row": 1, "Name": "sample string 1", "Value": "sample string 2" }, { "Row": 1, "Name": "sample string 1", "Value": "sample string 2" } ], "ExperimentLocationId": "574f3fa2-fb3f-4ed9-be3d-d3b235aa0ce0", "ExperimentName": "sample string 7", "QualityMessage": "sample string 8", "PlantingRateId": 9, "HarvestWeightId": 10, "HarvestLengthId": 11, "HarvestWidthId": 12, "uNDF240hrId": 13, "Tons30DMId": 14, "DMId": 15, "CPId": 16, "SugarId": 17, "StarchId": 18, "FBDGId": 19, "NDFId": 20, "MilkAcreId": 21, "MilkTonId": 22, "EUId": 1 } ]
application/xml, text/xml
<ArrayOfLocationSummarySilageDetail xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <LocationSummarySilageDetail> <Brand>sample string 1</Brand> <CP>1.1</CP> <CPId>16</CPId> <DM>1.1</DM> <DMId>15</DMId> <EUId>1</EUId> <ExperimentLocationId>574f3fa2-fb3f-4ed9-be3d-d3b235aa0ce0</ExperimentLocationId> <ExperimentName>sample string 7</ExperimentName> <FBDG>1.1</FBDG> <FBDGId>19</FBDGId> <Factors> <LocationSummaryDetailFactor> <Name>sample string 1</Name> <Row>1</Row> <Value>sample string 2</Value> </LocationSummaryDetailFactor> <LocationSummaryDetailFactor> <Name>sample string 1</Name> <Row>1</Row> <Value>sample string 2</Value> </LocationSummaryDetailFactor> </Factors> <HarvestLengthId>11</HarvestLengthId> <HarvestWeightId>10</HarvestWeightId> <HarvestWidthId>12</HarvestWidthId> <HarvestedLength>1.1</HarvestedLength> <HarvestedWeight>1.1</HarvestedWeight> <HarvestedWidth>1.1</HarvestedWidth> <MilkAcre>1.1</MilkAcre> <MilkAcreId>21</MilkAcreId> <MilkTon>1.1</MilkTon> <MilkTonId>22</MilkTonId> <NDF>1.1</NDF> <NDFId>20</NDFId> <OtherFactors>sample string 5</OtherFactors> <OtherFactorsHeading>sample string 6</OtherFactorsHeading> <PlantingRate>1.1</PlantingRate> <PlantingRateId>9</PlantingRateId> <Product>sample string 2</Product> <ProductGeId>3</ProductGeId> <QualityMessage>sample string 8</QualityMessage> <Starch>1.1</Starch> <StarchId>18</StarchId> <Strip>1</Strip> <SubProduct>sample string 4</SubProduct> <Sugar>1.1</Sugar> <SugarId>17</SugarId> <Tons30DM>1.1</Tons30DM> <Tons30DMId>14</Tons30DMId> <uNDF240hr>1.1</uNDF240hr> <uNDF240hrId>13</uNDF240hrId> </LocationSummarySilageDetail> <LocationSummarySilageDetail> <Brand>sample string 1</Brand> <CP>1.1</CP> <CPId>16</CPId> <DM>1.1</DM> <DMId>15</DMId> <EUId>1</EUId> <ExperimentLocationId>574f3fa2-fb3f-4ed9-be3d-d3b235aa0ce0</ExperimentLocationId> <ExperimentName>sample string 7</ExperimentName> <FBDG>1.1</FBDG> <FBDGId>19</FBDGId> <Factors> <LocationSummaryDetailFactor> <Name>sample string 1</Name> <Row>1</Row> <Value>sample string 2</Value> </LocationSummaryDetailFactor> <LocationSummaryDetailFactor> <Name>sample string 1</Name> <Row>1</Row> <Value>sample string 2</Value> </LocationSummaryDetailFactor> </Factors> <HarvestLengthId>11</HarvestLengthId> <HarvestWeightId>10</HarvestWeightId> <HarvestWidthId>12</HarvestWidthId> <HarvestedLength>1.1</HarvestedLength> <HarvestedWeight>1.1</HarvestedWeight> <HarvestedWidth>1.1</HarvestedWidth> <MilkAcre>1.1</MilkAcre> <MilkAcreId>21</MilkAcreId> <MilkTon>1.1</MilkTon> <MilkTonId>22</MilkTonId> <NDF>1.1</NDF> <NDFId>20</NDFId> <OtherFactors>sample string 5</OtherFactors> <OtherFactorsHeading>sample string 6</OtherFactorsHeading> <PlantingRate>1.1</PlantingRate> <PlantingRateId>9</PlantingRateId> <Product>sample string 2</Product> <ProductGeId>3</ProductGeId> <QualityMessage>sample string 8</QualityMessage> <Starch>1.1</Starch> <StarchId>18</StarchId> <Strip>1</Strip> <SubProduct>sample string 4</SubProduct> <Sugar>1.1</Sugar> <SugarId>17</SugarId> <Tons30DM>1.1</Tons30DM> <Tons30DMId>14</Tons30DMId> <uNDF240hr>1.1</uNDF240hr> <uNDF240hrId>13</uNDF240hrId> </LocationSummarySilageDetail> </ArrayOfLocationSummarySilageDetail>
Sample not available.
Response Information
Resource Description